Burmese Massage - Is it As Effective As Ayurvedic Massage?

Burmese Massage - Is it As Effective As Ayurvedic Massage?

Burmese massage is used to treat many different conditions. Its success is evidenced by the fact that many people have reported positive results. This confirms its effectiveness. But, many people are worried about the effectiveness in this particular treatment. There are those who question whether it is as efficient like an Ayurvedic massage. While it's hard to determine the exact nature of Ayurvedic massage is like in Burmese, you can still identify the differentiators with time.

Binaural beats

The latest study suggests that binaural beats may boost the brain's performance. The findings are still inconclusive. The researchers say that more research is needed to establish the impact of binaural beats on brain functions. The research team also points out that binaural beats aren't suitable for people with certain ailments.

Two tones are played at differing pitches to create binaural beats. The left ear receives the tone, and the right ear receives the opposite.  Additional reading The brain will combine the two sounds to produce one pulse.

Binaural beats can be used for relaxation and many different purposes. They are a great in conjunction with meditation. These devices influence brainwaves to bring about the state of relaxation. They are produced by ensuring that the differences between the frequencies of the two tones is less than Hz. The brain recognizes the binaural rhythm as distinct if there is a difference in the frequencies of the two tones that is below 30 Hz.


Myanmar's stunning landscapes are well-known However, the Thanaka which Burmese women put on their cheeks is perhaps the most charming feature of the country. Even though the customary massage has been widely known for more than 2,000 years, it hasn't ever been forgotten by anyone. Whether you're seeking a relaxing massage or to enjoy a revitalizing session, you're sure to find various packages in various price points.

Thanaka is a paste made out of the bark of the thanaka treethat can be found in subtropical zones in Southeast Asia and Myanmar. It's a great source of antioxidants and antibacterial benefits It is also an excellent moisturizer. Additionally, the paste contains Tyrosinase, which helps to brighten the skin's hue.

Although there is no solution to aging, Thanaka is an effective natural cosmetic. This cosmetic is natural and prevents wrinkles from appearing and repels pests. It also soothes skin. Moreover, it contains anti-oxidants important for healthy skin. It also has the properties of sun protection and anti-inflammatory.

Traditional Burmese massage

Traditionally, massage is an integral component of day-to-day life in Myanmar. Some of the best establishments employ highly skilled masseurs, however everyone can perform a decent massage. Myanmarans are expected to care for their elderly, and so massage regularly for pain or discomfort. Massage isn't just a method that is a spa treatment, but an effective way of relaxing.

Traditional Burmese massage is a great way to relax. It has numerous benefits including the reduction of stress and back pain. This massage increases blood circulation and boosts the immunity. It's particularly beneficial for cancer sufferers. It's a well-known form that can be used to help with a range of issues. It is especially helpful for people with back pain.

Traditional Burmese massage is like Thai massage. It is focused on the energy meridians that run through the body. To release toxic substances, the technique employs cross-fibre pressure in addition to downward pressure. A typical session lasts two hours. The focus is on the lower body, feet and legs. Therapists may suggest exercises to relax the muscles following the massage.

Applying pressure using the right hand apply pressure on the energy meridians

Like Thai massage, Burmese massage focuses on the meridians of energy in the body. It utilizes cross-fibre tension to relax deeper fascia. This powerful massage is great for people suffering from back pain , and is used on legs and feet. In addition, it stimulates the body's relaxation process, which decreases stress hormones and lowers heart rates.

Burmese massage utilizes various hands to stimulate energy meridians and points. To apply pressure to meridians of energy, the left hand is corresponding to Indian as well as Chinese points. The therapist's fingertips, elbows and knees are used to the meridians.